Why is sport better than music?
sport i you better than music. You are just sitting there listening to it. I like music but I think you sports is more important because if you don't get any sport or fitness . because all you do will do there all day listening to music or watching your phone you will still get some fitness when you walk to get some think . you won't be healthy if you don’t get enny fitness in.
when you get fitness you will be healthy and strong and get somewhere in life like hockey you don't just sit there listening to music you run you score and you have to len ofer and it hurts your back hockey is
my favorite sport and there is football you run and kick the ball . Well you can listen Two music and you do fitness The same time so over all i think fitness is more important .
I really like sports and music You can do i at the same time Makes you go on run you might have headphones in And run or you'll have to do it hold your phone and run I like to do sport but it isVery tiring and that is why sport you better and Music well They are both the same because like i Told you you can run and play music at the same time.
Hi Daisy your story is very great and Instructing at the start that you are saying does it make scene so if you fix that up thank you from Stella